domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

The impact of migration on receiving countries

3 comentarios:

  1. The impact of migration on receiving countries

    The movie crossing over is an example of impact of migrations on receiving countries. The people need to get a green card. The people make many things for to get the green card for example in the movie crossing over a woman decides to have sex with a lawyer in order to obtain residency and other persons to pay large sums of money for o get a green card. However many impact are negative for the society. The migrations to produce racism and discrimination for some cultures because in generation there are poverty and hate for some migrants

  2. You are right,immigration increases the Corruption , because many people would give all things to obtain the residence of a certain country, and who have in their hands the power to give permits taking advantage of that situation for got illicit money.

    For example in the United States, this situation happens very often, because there costs a lot to get legal residency ...

  3. This movie shows the reality experienced by many people life around the world. Immigrants enter to another country every day, with hopeful visions of a better life, better job opportunities in search of well-being of themselves and their families.
    It's hard to recognize all the effort and struggle that people suffer to achieve their dreams in a country that is not theirs.
